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MA 160 Moisture Analyzer

The MA160 moisture analyzer, also known as halogen or infrared moisture analyzer, precisely analyses moisture content in automotive materials such as textiles, plastics and rubbers.  

MA160 moisture analyzer is used for precisely analyzing moisture content in automotive materials such as textiles, plastics and rubbers. 

High-speed measurements

Both the high-performance AURI heating unit and the sample chamber’s geometry ensure rapid heating and fast uniform drying of your sample with up to 30% quicker analysis time.

Fast & precise development of methods

The MA160‘s Method  Development Assistant function solves the time-consuming problem of having to determine and evaluate the right parameters

Display of the measurement status

The light indicates the current status of measurement in progress: “running | START,“ “analysis completed | STOP,“ “analyzer OFF” or “error.“ 

Effortless cleaning

The BetterClean design lets you easily and thoroughly clean the instrument parts. Additionally, the heating unit and the sample chamber plate is removable for cleaning in a laboratory washer

User-friendly operation

The MA160‘s intuitive user interface, including a touch screen and easy-to-understand menu prompts for guidance, enable you to easily operate the analyzer – without having to study the manual first.

High memory capacity

MA160 features a high memory capacity, letting you store up to 100 different methods and efficiently manage them in a library

Reliable performance testing

A ReproEasy Pad in combination with the built-in performance test lets you check the functionality of the entire MA160 moisture analyzer within just 5 minutes. This test guarantees reliable results, saving you from going to the trouble of performing extensive temperature adjustments.

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